af Allan Beck Jensen | [PROAS4]
Som det sidste trin i processen mod at afslutte PROAS4 projektet har DIGITAL CAB gennemført og bestået tests for tilslutningen samt interoperabiliteten, leveret af eDelivery Core Service Platform. Vi har således opgraderet vores eDelivery-løsning ved at...
af Allan Beck Jensen | [PROAS4]
PROAS4 Interoperability tests has been concluded successfully After completing the important milestone, the conformance test phase of the initiative, we performed tests between the consortium partners. We successfully tested receiving and sending using AS4 with our...
af Allan Beck Jensen | [PROAS4]
The connectivity test of our AS4 PEPPOL Access Point has been concluded successfully And the development of the PROAS4 project continues The PROAS4 project, in which we are part of, continues its progress. We have used the eDelivery solution, Oxalis, listed as an AS4...
af Allan Beck Jensen | [PROAS4]
The PROAS4 members establish the next activities to develop during the project We participated in the second meeting of the PROAS4 consortium, which took place on October 8th. There we assessed the activities developed and the next ones were established to carry out...
af Allan Beck Jensen | [PROAS4]
Både offentlige og private virksomheder kan nyde godt af at benytte eDelivery, da der er flere fordele. En reduktion af omkostninger bl.a. i form af færre fejl, mindre manuel behandling og mindre tidsforbrug. Desuden er det muligt at tracke, at et elektronisk dokument...
af Allan Beck Jensen | [PROAS4]
Efterhånden som PROAS4 projektet skrider frem nærmer vi os CEF eConformance testen, hvilket vi ser frem til :-) Link til DIGITAL CABs overordnede side om EU projektet #PROAS4 #eDelivery #EUFunding #CEFTelecom Action No: 2019-EU-IA-0009 Disclaimer: The contents of this...