Logiq køber DIGITAL CAB

Logiq køber DIGITAL CAB

Logiq opkøber DIGITAL CAB for at styrke sin tilstedeværelse på det danske marked  Logiq, en af Nordens førende aktører inden for formidling af elektroniske fakturaer og handelsdokumenter, har underskrevet en aftale om at opkøbe alle aktiviteter i den danske...
PROAS4 Interoperability tests

PROAS4 Interoperability tests

PROAS4 Interoperability tests has been concluded successfully After completing the important milestone, the conformance test phase of the initiative, we performed tests between the consortium partners. We successfully tested receiving and sending using AS4 with our...
Acceptance of the eDelivery connectivity test

Second PROAS4 Consortium Meeting

​ The PROAS4 members establish the next activities to develop during the project We participated in the second meeting of the PROAS4 consortium, which took place on October 8th. There we assessed the activities developed and the next ones were established to carry out...